Info on the rebranding process of the distribution operator

CEZ Distributie becomes Distributie OItenia

- Frequently Asked Questions -

1. What is an energy distributor? What is the difference between the distributor and the supplier?

Power distributor will be available anytime you need a connection to the electricity grid, meter reading or changing the meter or information on the continuity of electricity supply. He manages the electricity grid that brings power to your home and has the tools to measure energy consumption (electricity meters).

The supplier is the entity that represents the final consumer in relation to the electricity distributor. Under the contract concluded with it, he collects the money and pays the services of the energy producer and distributor.


2. Distribution Oltenia is a different company than CEZ Distribution, with new management and employees?

Starting January 2017, only the name of the company changes, the identification data will remain the same (tax identification code and number of registration with the Trade Registry), also the management and employees will remain the same. We will continue to be a reliable partner and we will provide the same locations, the same team of specialists whenever you need connection to the electricity grid, of reading or changing the meter or information about continuity in the energy supply.

3. What changes in electricity distribution operator from Oltenia?

The energy distributor of Oltenia will change its name, logo, website (, visual signs for buildings, cars, IDs, equipment and all materials and documents belonging to the company.


4. Why do you have two names: Distributie Oltenia and Distributie Energie Oltenia?

Distributie Energie Oltenia is the official name registered at the Trade Register, mentioned in all official documents of the company. To be more easily recognized and apprehended there was also chosen a trade name, Distribution Oltenia to support the users of electricity.


5. What caused this change? It is legal?

This change takes place in full agreement with legal regulations. The distribution operator needs to differentiate its identity from the Supplier's according to the Energy Law no. 123/2012 and ANRE Order no. 5/2015.


6. How it affects me, as an energy consumer in Oltenia?

This change does not require absolutely no effort on your part. The distribution operator handles all the necessary changes in official documents of the company and how it communicates the information about the company, and you do not have to do anything extra.


7. Will the energy invoice change, its value or the issuer? 

Your energy bill issued by a supplier with whom you have signed a contract for the supply of electricity will not be influenced in any  way by the changes of the name and visual signs of the distribution operator. You will receive it in the same way as before.


8. Will the changes of the name from CEZ Distributie to Distributie Oltenia determine anyadministrative changes? Do I have to sign a new contract to get power?

The name change does not involve other administrative changes, the identification data of the company (RO, UIN) will remain the same and do not require signing a new contract.


9. How should I recognise Distributie Oltenia employees who come to remedy an outage?

Distributie Oltenia employees will identify themselves every time they come to fix an outage as before. Their uniforms are gray and green. The logo is a green one containing a stylized letter D inside it. Intervention cars will still be white and you can see on them both the green logo and name Distributie Oltenia.


10. I have to pay to remedy a fault Distribution Oltenia employees?

Certainly you do not have to pay for fixing an outage. As before, for services from the distribution operator it is not requested payment on the spot. In addition, if the malfunction is caused by a deficiency in its network, the intervention is free at your place of consumption.


11. How can I contact / announce an upset? Can I use the same phone number?

For signaling a fault, users of electricity in Oltenia are offered 4 telephone numbers provided by the distribution operator:

- 0800 500 000 - free of charge number in any network for reporting any kind of interruption in power supply.

- 0251 408 006, 0251 408 007, 0251 408 008 - phone numbers with normal fee in the national grid. Apart from reporting any deficiencies, you can get here all information needed about the energy distribution services.

We mention that the telephone numbers provided by the supplier with whom you have signed a contract may still be used for announcing outages.


12. What if I need information for a new connection to the network, where can I find a customer support center?

We will continue to be a reliable partner and we will provide the same locations, with the same team of specialists.

Full map customer centers is available on


13. Will there be a change of the procedures, forms for connection?

Procedures and forms will be modified only at appearance level, the content will not be changed. Sitarting January 2017, the forms you can submit will have a new format containing visual identity elements of Distributie Oltenia (name, logo).


14. Is Distributie Oltenia regulated by ANRE?

Of course, Distribution Oltenia obeys the same rules and legal norms as any operator of electricity distribution and its activity is regulated by the National Authority for Energy Regulation.