Transmittion of ellectric deficiencies

Deficiencies in electricity supply affecting power grids in Arges, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Teleorman, Valcea Caounties can be reported directly to the distribution operator at one of the following telephone numbers:

0800 500 000 - free number on any network;

0251 408 006, 0251 408 007, 0251 408 008 - phone numbers with normal fee in the national network.

How can you report a deficiency?

1. call one of the numbers listed above;

2. After 20 seconds of waiting, if all operators are engaged in other calls, after specific message, select 1 for lack of tension at the place of consumption or 2 for lack of tension in the entire area;

3. Type in the code of the consumption place which is on the bill and begins with the digits "005";

4. Enter a valid phone number (it must have 10 digits).

This service is available for the electricity users of the grids in Oltenia, from the distribution operator and does not replace the services and contact information provided by the electricity suppliers that have signed a contract to supply electricity.